Topguns Malcom's Reserve
Topguns Malcom's Reserve

*Topguns Malcom's Reserve
*Topguns Malcom’s Reserve --- SEV/DOR tet EM 5.5” 38” 5br 25 bc RE (Future seedling x Topguns Flame Thrower) F2.  Proven hardy in Texas, Illinois and New York.

     What can brown do for you?! A visitor and friend from Texas, Mr. Malcom Avaritt, really liked this one when his club came up to tour the property.  It isn’t every day you get a brown daylily, let alone a double brown daylily, let alone a STIPPLED double brown daylily!  Topguns Malcom’s Reserve is not just a conversational piece either, she is VIGOROUS.  Will be one of your first Topguns to bloom every year, and one of the last to finish.  It will put on a SHOW for you!  Easily fertile both ways, grows like a weed.