Topguns Five Tool Prospect
Topguns Five Tool Prospect

*Topguns Five Tool Prospect
*Topguns Five Tool Prospect --- DOR Tet EM 6.75-7” 36” 6br 30bc RE (Topguns Perfect Ten x Topguns Ruffled Revelation) x Topguns Pink Lightning. Tested Hardy in Wisconsin, Maine, Ohio, Georgia and Alabama.

     What is a five tool prospect? In baseball terms, it means the prospect can do 5 things extremely well.  Same goes for this one in the daylily world!  Amazing scape, vigorous plant, easy pollen parent, easy pod parent, and hardy all over the country.  The face isn’t too shabby either.  I had to release this one, I have too many futures from it and believe if a flower gives you multiple intros, it is an intro as well.  Wonderful garden plant, makes a showstopper clump.  The lighter band only shows up when it is hot, but it WILL show up.  Another that I have no doubt will thrive all over the country.