Topguns Predator at Dusk
Topguns Predator at Dusk
Topguns Predator at Dusk Topguns Predator at Dusk
Topguns Predator at Dusk Topguns Predator at Dusk

*Topguns Predator at Dusk
Topguns Predator at Dusk ---  DOR Tet EM “5.75 35” 5br 25bc RE 98% double.

Full pod sib to Topguns Predator at Midnight, but definitely not a clone.  A lighter shade of purple, a little smaller, but OH MY GOODNESS everything else is amazing! The best breeder of any toothy double I have had to date, mine or anyone else’s . Has lots of multi bloom days, making it an incredibly special clump.  Reblooms like no other toothy double I have ever seen, and ALWAYS has pollen.  Sets pods full sun.  Also has survived extreme hot summers and extreme cold winters, and increases well. 

Like her sibling Topguns Predator at Midnight, she is extremely limited this year as well.  The first five people to claim and pay for a SF get one this year; The first five collections sold will receive one as a bonus.  Everyone else will have to wait at least a year, as I am still using her extensively in our toothy double program.  Imagine getting them both…